Is Purple Shampoo Damaging Your Blonde Hair?

Is purple shampoo bad for your hair?

We’ve all heard the hype over purple shampoo but what does this magical formula of purple-tinted shampoo actually do for your hair?


Maintenance on color-treated blonde hair takes effort but it doesn’t have to be hard. That’s where this colorful shampoo comes in. Purple shampoo works and when used correctly will be your new best friend!


The hair color “blonde” is not one standard single color and every blonde knows that finding and keeping their perfect shade takes time, money, and commitment to keep the color as fresh as when you left the salon. 


But before we start… this shampoo goes by many names and they are used interchangeably. So to avoid confusion: purple shampoo, violet shampoo, tinted shampoo, color correcting shampoo – It all means the same thing.



What’s purple shampoo?

It basically is exactly that – purple shampoo. The shampoo and conditioner are made up of purple pigments (deep violet pigment) and deposit the color onto the hair shaft, which neutralizes any unwanted brassiness and helps rid any yellow tones in your hair.



 How does purple shampoo work?

Simple science says, opposing colors on the color wheel counteract each other. On the color wheel, purple and yellow are directly across from one another which means the two colors cancel each other out. Purple tinted shampoo is the color theory at its simplest and really…. it works.



How to Use purple shampoo

Purple shampoo is best used once or twice a week at most during your regular bathing routine. It should be left on for 5 to 10 minutes then rinsed out. The duration of time needed depends on how much brassiness you are trying to neutralize. The longer you leave it in – the more effective it becomes. Just be sure to not leave it in longer than max production recommendation.


It’s best to start with modest timing (around 1 or 2 minutes) for your first hair wash with purple shampoo to see how your hair responds. You can always leave it on longer the next time around. Newly bleached hair holds onto the purple pigments a lot more than aged dye jobs.


How Often Do you Use Purple shampoo?


It is not necessary to use purple shampoo every day. Too much purple shampoo isn’t always a good thing and over usage can sometimes create a dark and dulling effect. Eliminating too much yellow can visually create the look of hair being darker and less bright.


Please take note that some brands of these toning shampoos and conditioners can be quite powerful and effective.  A good way to determine the strength of the product is how deep the color of the product is.

If the product is dark purple – most likely the product will be stronger than a product boasting a lilac shade.


Is it bad to use purple shampoo every day?

Simple answer. YES. I mean, unless you are rocking a lilac dye job. I explain below at what stage purple shampoo can damage hair and create the opposite of its intended effects.

Trust me – you don’t want to push the time limit it sits in your hair. It can turn your hair purple! I have pushed the boundaries and one time left it in for 25 minutes and tinted my lightest highlighted hair strands a lavender color. Another time,  I ran out of my regular shampoo and used purple shampoo for several consecutive washes in one week and gave myself grey hair!


Can purple shampoo damage hair?

By now I’ve hammered on the concept of how these products remove yellow, orange, and brassy tones. Purple shampoos are the secret to neutralizing brassy undertones but there is more…. is purple shampoo bad for your hair?


It’s so very important to talk about how these purple shampoos affect your hair. 


Bleached hair or blonde color-treated hair comes with its own mega list of hair care rules to follow. If they fall by the wayside – damaged hair can be a very real possibility. 


These purple shampoos work because of the purple pigments— YES — but also because of the chemical reaction the ingredients create.


Science Time 🤓🤓

Guar Gum is a very popular ingredient in hair care products. It is used to thicken a formulas’ consistency. Guar Gum carries a high ability for chemical modification and is a derivative of ammonium.


This becomes something to know when you see citric acid as an additional ingredient on the list.


When these two ingredients combine they create a mild bleaching agent. This means every time you wash your hair with purple shampoo you are essentially “bleaching” out the unwanted color and lightening the strands of hair. 


Remember when we were young and our parents let us put hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice in our hair to lighten it in the sun? This concoction is basically the exact same!


Repeated usage means you are little by little lightening your already lightened hair which in turn causes hair to dry out, become brittle and potentially have breakage. 


The best way to combat this is to apply a conditioning hair mask after every purple shampoo application. Seriously, a deep conditioner is a must-have and a hair’s best friend.


You’ll replenish lost hydration and have the beautiful and HEALTHY icy locks you’re striving for!



When should you not use purple shampoo?

It is best to not use purple shampoo right after having your hair colored. Ideally, you should wait at least 72 hours before using a purple shampoo. For your hair to become lighter the hair shaft needs to open allowing bleach to enter into the hair follicles. A chemical reaction takes place and the bleach breaks down any pigment within the hair. In turn, this allows the pigment to literally be washed out, leaving you with your gorgeous blonde strands.


It’s best to wait at least 72 hours after a dye job for the cuticle layer to fully close. Allowing the follicle to close traps the color molecule, allowing for longer-lasting hair color. Adding purple toning shampoo too early can add a level of unwanted dullness to be trapped within the strand.



Who should use purple shampoo?

Everyone can benefit from the use of purple shampoo. Even brown hair can see results from incorporating the use of toning shampoos.

Generally, those with cool undertones are complimented with an ash blonde or silver hair color. In order to keep this shade looking its best, a purple shampoo almost always is needed in the hair care routine.

Whereas, someone with a warm undertone is commonly complemented by a warmer blonde. Overusing purple shampoo in those who wish to have warm blonde hair can create the opposite effect.



What is the difference between purple and blue shampoo?

Purple shampoo and blue shampoo counteract different shades and are meant to be used for different hair colors. Purple is meant to help maintain light blonde, platinum, and grey hair by attacking yellow tones. While blue shampoo is meant for darker blonde hair or brown hair by counteracting orange tones.


Can You Use Purple Shampoo On Dry hair?

No, purple shampoo should not be used on dry hair. The reason for this is that the pigments within the shampoo will absorb into dry/porous parts of your hair more strongly and can create uneven patches. Rinsing your hair before applying the purple shampoo helps create an even saturation.


Why does blonde hair turn brassy?

Blonde hair turns brassy because it is very porous and soaks up everything. UV rays, heat styling products, and even the minerals in your shower water can cause tones to change. These toning shampoos combat yellow-brassy tones and help color correct for a brighter and cooler blonde.


It’s a fight that never ends. The trickiest part of a blonde’s hair can be controlling the amount of brassy (yellow) color which comes across visually as warmth. This variation is what gives the blonde a huge range of shades and hues. 


Even if your natural hair color is blonde or even brown, chances are that you have some brassy undertones and would benefit from this shampoo to tone it out. 


If you are going for an “ashy” blonde – a violet shampoo will be your best friend. We’ve all seen the gorgeous icy locks of silver hair – now you know the trick!



Which Purple Shampoos work the best?

Not all purple shampoo brands are created equal!! Like any hair product, some are better than others and some are basically useless. It is primarily the amount of pigment and the tonal attributes in a purple shampoo that dictate how effective it will be. The shade of blonde you are trying to achieve will ultimately dictate which purple shampoo brands you should be choosing from.


One important consideration in any purple shampoo you choose should be the hydration factor. It is important to keep all hair types hydrated but particularly processed hair. Bleach and dyes used to lighten your hair also leave it more porous, and this itself leads to faster fading.



How To Choose the Best Purple shampoo

Luckily, there are a few tips you can use to determine how good a product might be before purchasing and trying it out for yourself.


Open The Product

If possible unscrew the lid and take a peek inside. It’s important to examine the color, consistency, and transparency. A good purple shampoo providing maximum results will have a thicker consistency and a deep dark purple color. The lighter the color purple, the more subtle the results will be.

Look For Sulfate-Free Shampoo

Sulfates are used in shampoo to help a product lather and can strip the hair of oil causing dryness. Using a sulfate-free shampoo is a good way to help your hair retain its natural moisture.


The Best Purple Shampoos

Three purple shampoos far surpass the others in my opinion and there will never be a time you’ll find my shower without one of these products.

Surface Pure Blonde Violet Shampoo and Conditioner

This is my all-time favorite purple duo! It is a sulfate paraben-free formula and contains fruit lipids to smooth and protect fragile color-treated hair. Be sure to wash your cuticles after applying the purple shampoo because if left on for a long time it can lightly stain the skin. That’s how amazing this product is!

Olaplex No.4P Blonde Enhancer Toning Shampoo

This highly concentrated deep purple shampoo is sulfate-free and builds to a rich lather. Olaplex is known for its patented active ingredient which seeks out broken bonds in your hair and repairs them which makes this shampoo a powerhouse for blonde hair!

Fanola No Yellow Shampoo

This shampoo is not sulfate-free but the pigment is insane and the price point cannot be beaten!



Purple shampoo and conditioner play a large role in keeping your blonde hair woes at bay when you’re in between salon visits. But the MOST IMPORTANT step you can take after you’ve decided to rock the bleached blonde look – is finding an educated and qualified stylist to get you there. Someone capable of achieving your desired blonde along with the skillset to keep the integrity of your hair health intact. 


Because girl if your hair is falling out due to it being fried …………. even purple shampoo can’t save you.